Indian Head Massage



Indian Head Massage has been used in India for over a thousand years as part of a daily routine.

Narendra Mehta bought Indian head massage to the west in the 1970's and the therapy was extended to include the face, ears, neck, shoulders and upper arms.

Indian Head Massage works on areas affected by mental and emotional stress. In Western culture we spend much of our time in our heads, so this treatment really helps to calm the mind and is deeply relaxing.

Working with a firm and gentle rhythm it helps to relieve muscular discomfort and tension and aids relaxation, it also improves circulation in the head, enhances senses and promotes better clearer thinking.

The massage begins with the upper back, with a combination of deep massage technigues to help relax the muscles Moving through the shoulders and upper arms releases stress and tension, and then working into the neck where tension accumulates it can relieve headaches and improves cerebral spinal fluid circulation.

Moving up to the scalp, techniques are used that stimulate, relax and revive the whole of the head, increasing circulation and helping to promote healthy hair folicles.

Finally the treatment includes a gentle face massage with techniques that help circulation, skin tone, and sinus and headache problems.

This therapy can be performed without oils with the client sitting and fully clothed if required

Physical Benefits:
• Significant improvement noticed with:
• Migraine and headaches
• Sinusitis
• Stress related disorders
• Insomnia and disturbed sleep
• Suppleness and flexibility to head, neck and shoulders
• Increase of oxygen and glucose supply to the brain
• Scalp stimulation increasing blood circulation, promoting healthy hair
• Increases cerebral spinal fluid circulation
• Improves muscle tone

• Calms the respiratory system, helping asthma

Mental Benefits
Indian Head Massage promotes:
• A sense of calmness, peace and tranquillity
• Release from anxiety, stress and mental stain
• Relief from depression
• High levels of concentration
• Clearer thinking and focus
• Relaxation
• Sound sleep and relief from nightmares
• Renewed energy
• Aids memory
• Chakra balancing and energetic healing
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